Performance and Sport Psychology
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Performing well under pressure is what underlies an athlete’s ability to perform well in competitive sport.
There has been a great deal of research around the concept of Mental Toughness and most recently applying it not only to sport but also in the working environment and its impact on employees.
Mental Toughness is:
“The quality which determines in large part how people deal effectively with challenge, stressors and pressure…..irrespective of prevailing circumstances.” Peter Clough & Doug Strycharczyk 2012
Mental Toughness is about how effectively individuals respond to stress, pressure and challenge.
Solution Psychology Centre has the resources to administer the MTQ48 assessment tool; this is the first valid and reliable Psychometric measure able to assess an individual’s Mental Toughness. With this information clients are given valuable insight into their performance profile and taught:
· Effective techniques to develop resilience
· Develop an inner drive to succeed
· Learn to manage and harness the effects of stress and pressure